The next thrilling installment of "Goings On"...
Sis is in her second year at college. She has a tuition scholarship which is fantastic. Her first year she got a bunch of little one time scholarships and financial aid that enabled her to live on campus and we only had to pay for her books. This year we barely got any financial aid (go freakin figure) and had originally said she would have to commute to college (it's less than 45 minutes away). Of course she was not happy about this and wanted to take out loans to live there. We were against this debt as it wasn't really necessary. After getting the Big Guy's diagnosis and the details of his treatment we decided it might be better to just let her live on campus. It would be too distracting at home and let's face it, she was going to do it whether we wanted her to or not. She's doing really well in her classes and seems to be having a good time but not too good a time!
Ebaby is in second grade this year! Holy cow my baby is seven. In first grade she had some real gross and fine motor skill difficulties. She needed occupational therapy but the state insurance we had for the kids did not cover it. The school would not classify her and it was very frustrating. My brother wound up finding someone for us who gave us exercise and activities for her to do. She made great improvements and continues to work hard. She loves school. I wish we could put her in some activities but everything around here costs money that we don't have. Thankfully she is pretty creative and she loves to play with her little sister. She has been taking the drama around the house really well. Of course we don't tell her very many details but kids know.
Scoop is two. Two! She is very funny and laid back. She is Daddy's girl all the way. She tells him all the time "we're best buddies" and she means it. She eats anything you put in front of her but we recently discovered she has a chocolate allergy (poor thing and more for me!). She is very tall and people tend to think she is older than she is which leads to some stupid comments from people when I buy diapers. She discovered the Toys R Us Christmas catalog and wants to buy everything in it. We told her to get a job. She informed us she was too "yittle". She has been a bright light in all the bullshit of the last couple of years.
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of "Goings On"....
I knew a little bit of this, but not the whole story. I'm also speechless. I read the post yesterday and just didn't know what to say. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
I can't believe that Scoop is two already ~ time flies!
Mikey has the same problem - he is much taller than his age and when he talks I get weird looks and such because of his speech delay and his maturity. He's only 8 but is the same height as his 11 year old cousin!
I love reading up on the kids!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
so what kinds of things are they asking Santa for? and what size clothes do they need?
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