Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day.

Citizens: Vote. If you do not vote, do not complain. Do you like the way things are being done? Vote. Do you agree/disagree with the war in Iraq? Are your property taxes too high? Hell, do they fix the potholes fast enough in your town? No? Vote. If you do not exercise your right to vote do not complain when you don't like the way things are being done. If you do vote, bitch to your heart's content. I will.

Candidates: We are not morons. Stop with the ads that just bash your opponent. We know he is a scumbag. We know you are a scumbag. We are picking the lesser of two evils at this point. I don't really care what kind of dirt you can dig up on the other guy. She can dig up just as much about you I'll bet. Why not tell us what you have done? Why not tell us what you will do? Without tickling our ears. Tell the truth for a change, we might just elect you.

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